18 Jun 2023

Google Bard and Emacs

After reading a Google blog post on Bard's increasing ability for reasoning about source code, I thought I would give it a try. The issue is that not like OpenAI, Bard currently does not have an http API that I can use via curl. I googled around and came across the `bard-rs` project here: So I followed the excellent instruction to get set up using bard from command line and its is pretty solid. I used following Elisp to use `bard-rs` from Emacs' compilation buffer here:

(defun kcompilation-start (cmd name &optional mode)
  (let* ((compile-command nil)
         (compilation-save-buffers-predicate 'ignore)
          (compilation-start cmd
                             (if (equal mode 'read-only) nil t)
                             (lambda (m)
                               (or (when (boundp 'name)
                                     (format "*%s*" name))
    (when current-prefix-arg
      (with-current-buffer compilation-buffer
        (switch-to-prev-buffer (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))))
    (message (format "Running %s in %s ..." cmd name))))

(defun kprompt-bard (&optional p)
  "Prompts for input to send it to `bard` using `bard-rs` in
*bard-prompt* buffer. If mark-active, uses the text in the region
 as the prompt"
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((bs "bard-prompt")
         (bname (format "*%s*" bs))
         (bname (if (get-buffer bname)
                  (progn (kcompilation-start "bard-rs -e ~/.env" bs)
         (prompt (if mark-active
                      (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end)))
                   (read-string "AI Chat Prompt: "))))
    (with-current-buffer (pop-to-buffer bname)
      (when p
        (insert "!reset")
        (insert prompt)
      (when (not p)
        (insert prompt)

You can bind `kprompt-bard` to any key of your choice and start interacting with Google bard from the comfort of Emacs' buffer.

Tags: AI emacs