Posts tagged "curl":

10 Jan 2021

cURl to the rescue

A web application tinkerer deals with malformed inputs, faulty networks, buggy software and everything in between. One tool that saved the day on more than one occasion is: cURL, which should be under every engineers' arsenal. Following are two examples how it proved to be just the right tool to reach for.

Among many micro services writtent in Clojure, one of them exposed following logic via a REST API:

One of our client reported a bug where their Ad data dashboard did not show up one day. Looking at the log trace, I realized that above service might be failing. I had a choice of starting a full suite of our services to reproduce it or just using cURL from the terminal to find out what the Ad URL expanded to. Here is an example:

curl -ILs

Following is the output:

| HTTP/2                       | 301                                                               |               |     |      |          |     |
| server:                      | nginx                                                             |               |     |      |          |     |
| date:                        | Sun,                                                              | 10            | Jan | 2021 | 22:59:35 | GMT |
| content-type:                | text/html;                                                        | charset=utf-8 |     |      |          |     |
| content-length:              | 152                                                               |               |     |      |          |     |
| cache-control:               | private,                                                          | max-age=90    |     |      |          |     |
| content-security-policy:     | referrer                                                          | always;       |     |      |          |     |
| location:                    | |               |     |      |          |     |
| referrer-policy:             | unsafe-url                                                        |               |     |      |          |     |
| via:                         | 1.1                                                               | google        |     |      |          |     |
| alt-svc:                     | clear                                                             |               |     |      |          |     |
| HTTP/2                       | 200                                                               |               |     |      |          |     |
| server:                      |                                                        |               |     |      |          |     |
| content-type:                | text/html;                                                        | charset=utf-8 |     |      |          |     |
| last-modified:               | Mon,                                                              | 28            | Dec | 2020 | 05:11:32 | GMT |
| access-control-allow-origin: | *                                                                 |               |     |      |          |     |
| etag:                        | 5fe96904-2616                                                     |               |     |      |          |     |
| expires:                     | Sun,                                                              | 10            | Jan | 2021 | 23:09:36 | GMT |
| cache-control:               | max-age=600                                                       |               |     |      |          |     |
| x-proxy-cache:               | MISS                                                              |               |     |      |          |     |
| x-github-request-id:         | 8A36:98E4:92929:AC1C3:5FFB86D7                                    |               |     |      |          |     |
| accept-ranges:               | bytes                                                             |               |     |      |          |     |
| date:                        | Sun,                                                              | 10            | Jan | 2021 | 22:59:36 | GMT |
| via:                         | 1.1                                                               | varnish       |     |      |          |     |
| age:                         | 0                                                                 |               |     |      |          |     |
| x-served-by:                 | cache-pao17466-PAO                                                |               |     |      |          |     |
| x-cache:                     | MISS                                                              |               |     |      |          |     |
| x-cache-hits:                | 0                                                                 |               |     |      |          |     |
| x-timer:                     | S1610319576.187969,VS0,VE28                                       |               |     |      |          |     |
| vary:                        | Accept-Encoding                                                   |               |     |      |          |     |
| x-fastly-request-id:         | 64128c1c6f907b66fc189d5c3cbb298b2c7e9eb7                          |               |     |      |          |     |
| content-length:              | 9750                                                              |               |     |      |          |     |

The options -ILs tells cURL to query resource headers with location information in silent mode. After seeing the location information of the client's Ad URL, I was able to pinpoint the missing url param from the source data that our client is expecting. Once I informed this info to our client, they are able to fix their own issue with grace.

Second time cURL came to the rescue is when a developer from my team reached out to me for a mysterious bug he was experiencing. An API call was failing for 50% of the time with truncated response that was causing error on his application. Not knowing anything about the application much, I asked him to call the API using cURL to eliminate the possibility of OS network related issues. Once I know that the API work is working 100% of the time via cURL, I narrowed the issues down to the application code. The application is written in Node and following are abbreviated version of how the JS code looks like:

function getFoo(){
  return axios.get(urlFoo)

function getBar(url){
  return axios.get(url)

function getFooBar(){
 var foo = getFoo(); //block until we have a result
 // this line below was failing due to malformed foo becuase it is truncated
 var url = "magicUrl" //parse `foo`, construct url
 var bar = getBar(url)
 return parse(bar)

My teammate said that he did try increasing the timeout of the `axios` library but it did not help. I asked him to see if `axios` have some configuration setting related to buffer size or connection, and he confirmed that it does have `connection reuse` setting where it is default value are `false`. I asked him to try setting it to `true`, which he did and voila, API call went through with 100% success rate. Now, our problem is solved and we can move on with our lives.

I just want to convince you how usefull cURL command is and you should use it whenever you can. I might write a post in the future on why the response was getting truncated and why reusing the connection helped solve the issue.

Tags: curl
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